Impact Factor

ABOUT Scientia Iranica

The objectives of Scientia Iranica are two-fold. The first is to provide a forum for the presentation of original works by scientists and engineers from around the world. The second is to open an effective channel to enhance the level of communication between scientists and engineers and the exchange of state-of-the-art research and ideas. The scope of the journal is broad and multidisciplinary in technical sciences and engineering. It encompasses theoretical and experimental research. Specific areas include but not limited to chemistry, chemical engineering, civil engineering, control and computer engineering, electrical engineering, material, manufacturing and industrial management, mathematics, mechanical engineering, nuclear engineering, petroleum engineering, physics, nanotechnology.


  • 2345-3605
  • Engineering
  • 1999-ongoing
  • Iran


YEAR Impact Factor
2023-24 1.4
2022 1.4
2021 1.416


Scientia Iranica, 2345-3605, 1999-ongoing, Engineering.

Directory Indexing of International Research Journals