Impact Factor

ABOUT Studies in Conflict & Terrorism

Terrorism and insurgency are now the dominant forms of conflict in the world today. Fuelled by moribund peace processes, ethnic and religious strife, disputes over natural resources, and transnational organized crime, these longstanding security challenges have become even more violent and intractable: posing new threats to international peace and stability. Studies in Conflict and Terrorism aims to cast new light on the origins and implications of conflict in the 21st Century and to illuminate new approaches and solutions to countering the growth and escalation of contemporary sub-state violence.


  • 1057-610X
  • Engineering,Social Sciences
  • 1992-ongoing
  • United Kingdom


YEAR Impact Factor
2023-24 1.2
2022 NA
2021 NA


Studies in Conflict & Terrorism, 1057-610X, 1992-ongoing, Engineering,Social Sciences.

Directory Indexing of International Research Journals