Impact Factor

ABOUT Water Policy

Water management and water infrastructure are preconditions for civilization, and demands on our water resources are increasing. In some regions these demands are exceeding capacities to supply water. Our old water institutions, laws, regulations, treaties and agreements are straining to meet the new demographic realities. Throughout the world there is a growing need to build a capacity for integrated water management in order to create new opportunities for cooperation, community and peace building; to respond to scarcities; and to manage local, national and trans-boundary conflicts.


  • 1366-7017
  • Environmental Science,Social Sciences
  • 1998, 2000-ongoing
  • United Kingdom


YEAR Impact Factor
2023-24 1.5
2022 1.6
2021 1.733


Water Policy, 1366-7017, 1998, 2000-ongoing, Environmental Science,Social Sciences.

Directory Indexing of International Research Journals