

Časopis za ekonomiju i tržišne komunikacije-EMC Review-Journal for Economics and Marketing Communications

5. EMC- Economy and Market Communication Review- Prof dr Zorka Grandov is appointed as the chief editor, journal will be published twice a year in languages of Bosnia and Herzegovina and abstracts in English. Journal will publish original scientific papers, descriptive and proffesional papers, scientific discussions, critics and reviews. With its thematic scope of scientific discoveries, with applications in business and economy, journal will reflect the multidisciplinary of studies at the Apeiron University. Journal will publish studies within the field of management, marketing., market and competition, consumers and citizens’ protection, media and business communication, new technologies, management, marketing.


Keywords: management, marketing,global economy, regional economy, economic politics.

ISSN: 2232- 8823


Subject: Business and Management

Publisher: Paneuropean university Apeiron

Year: 2011

Country: Bosnia

Views: 3801 Research Paper Indexed by Citefactor - Not Available

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