

Journal of Communications Technology, Electronics and Computer Science

Journal of Communications Technology, Electronics and Computer Science is an international journal that publishes original research papers in the fields of Electronics and Communication Engineering and technology and its related disciplines. Areas included (but not limited to) are electronics and communications engineering, electric energy, automation, control and instrumentation, computer and information technology, and the electrical engineering. Journal publishes research articles and reviews within the whole field of electronic and communication engineering, computer science new teaching methods, curriculum design, assessment, validation and the impact of new technologies and it will continue to provide information on the latest trends and developments in this ever-expanding subject. The journal publishes original papers in experimental and theoretical aspects of electronics and communication engineering. The journal also recognizes the importance of emerging technologies and encourages papers on new areas, such as electronics for WSN (Wireless Sensor Networks). The Journal of Communications Technology, Electronics and Computer Science has NO publishing fee or article processing charges. Please visit our site:


Keywords: wireless, communciations, WSN, computer science

ISSN: 000-78415


Subject: Environmental Sciences

Publisher: Alex

Year: 2015

Country: Germany

Views: 2626 Research Paper Indexed by Citefactor - Not Available

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