

Israel Journal of Entomology

The Israel Journal of Entomology is an open access peer-reviewed scientific journal that publishes original contributions in all areas of entomology, including Uniramia other than insects and non-marine Crustacea and Chelicerata, and has a world-wide scope. Manuscripts are considered on the understanding that they have not been submitted elsewhere for prior or simultaneous publication. Manuscripts are reviewed by at least two independent referees and approved by the Editorial Board before acceptance. Articles are first published online as soon as they are ready; a hard copy of the journal is printed annually and contains reprints of papers published in the preceding year.


Keywords: Entomology, Arachnology, taxonomy, systematics, biology, ecology

ISSN: 0075-1243


Subject: Biology

Publisher: The Entomological Society of Israel

Year: 1966

Country: Israel

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