

International Journal of Renewable Energy Development

The International Journal of Renewable Energy Development (IJRED) - ISSN: 2252-4940 is an open access, multi-disciplinary and peer-reviewed journal published by Center of Chemical and Renewable Energy Development (CBIORE) Diponegoro University Indonesia that aims to promote renewable energy researchs and developments, and it provides a link between scientists and practitioners. The IJRED journal has been identified in croessref with a DOI number: 10.14710 The scope of journal encompasses: Photovoltaic technology, Solar thermal applications, Biomass, Wind energy technology, Material science and technology, Low energy Architecture, Geothermal energy, Wave and Tidal energy, Hydro power, Hydrogen Production Technology, Energy Policy, Socio-economic on energy, Energy efficiency and management


Keywords: Photovoltaic technology, Solar thermal applications, Biomass, Wind energy technology, Material science and technology, Low energy Architecture, Geothermal energy, Wave and Tidal energy, Hydro power, Hydrogen Production Technology, Energy Policy, Socio-economic on energy, Energy efficiency and management

ISSN: 2252-4940


Subject: Multidisciplinary

Publisher: Diponegoro University

Year: 2012

Country: Indonesia

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