

Mechanics, Materials Science & Engineering Journal

Mechanics, Materials Science & Engineering Journal (ISSN 2412-5954, e-ISSN 2414-6935) is a publisher that deals in peer-reviewed, open access publishing, focusing on wide range of subject areas, including economics, business, social sciences, engineering etc. Mechanics, Materials Science & Engineering Journal is dedicated to knowledge-based products and services for the academic, scientific, professional, research, and student communities worldwide. Open Access model of online publication promotes research by allowing unrestricted availability of high quality articles. All MMSEJ publications will be available online, free, and full-text. The publication frequency is 6 volumes per year. Benefits for authors The benefits offered by Mechanics, Materials Science & Engineering Journal to academic, and corporate institutions as well as to readers, authors, and editors include: -A personalized approach to publishing -Open Access to published content -Variable licensing agreement options -Superior publications under the direction of international experts -Traditional print publishing models in addition to electronic journal publishing -Archiving of all published issues -Widely indexed in scientific databases Mechanics, Materials Science & Engineering Journal focuses on the following principles: -Stimulate academic research -To provide quick publishing of articles with the minimal publication fee -To improve cooperation of the scientists all over the world


Keywords: engineering, research, technology, materials science

ISSN: 2412-5954


Subject: Multidisciplinary

Publisher: Magnolithe GmbH

Year: 2015

Country: Austria

Views: 4980 Research Paper Indexed by Citefactor Index -- 20

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