

Al-Jabar: Jurnal Pendidikan Matematika

Al-Jabar Journal departs from the idea that mathematics is an important subject, not only because of its usefulness in practical everyday life. Regularity of systematically thinking and thinking things that are useful in everyday life and in the study of science is often referred to as one of the outcomes of learning mathematics. The journal was first published in 2010 and regularly published twice per year in April and October. Since 2015 Al-Jabar: Journal of Mathematics Education started in the right online. Al-Jabar journal published twice a year, in the hope that the science of mathematics education can bekembang, both aspects of dimension theory and practice dimension in daily life. Recent studies on the research and study of the literature on mathematics education and mathematics (implementation, development, implementation strategies, models, methods in the study of mathematics, mathematical theory analysis) that be the discussion in this journal.


Keywords: aljabar

ISSN: 2086-5872


Subject: Education

Publisher: Mathematics Education, IAIN Raden Intan Lampung

Year: 2015

Country: Indonesia

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