

Jurnal Penelitian Hasil Hutan

Journal of Forest Product Research is a scientific publication reporting research findings in the field of anatomy,physical and mechanical, fiber technology, composite, biodeterioration and preservation of lignocellulosic materials, forest products drying technology, wood sawing and machining, wood and non wood forest products processing, chemical and forest product energy processing, forest engineering and wood and non wood forest products harvesting. This journal has been accredited by Indonesian Institute of Science (LIPI) as a Scientific Periodical Magazine (Accreditation Number 642/AU3/P2MI-LIPI/07/2015). This journal was first published in 1984 and issued four numbers in one volume every year.


Keywords: Anatomi kayu; fisik mekanik; teknologi serat; komposit; biodeteriorasi dan pengawetan bahan berlignoselulosa; teknologi pengeringan hasil hutan; penggergajian dan pemesinan kayu; pengolahan hasil hutan kayu dan bukan kayu; pengolahan kimia dan energi hasil hutan; keteknikan hutan dan pemanenan hasil hutan kayu dan bukan kayu; wood anatomy; physical and mechanical; fiber technology; composite; biodeterioration and preservation of lignocellulosic materials; forest products drying technology; wood sawing and machining; wood and non wood forest products processing; chemical and forest product energy processing; forest engineering and wood and non wood forest products harvesting

ISSN: 0216-4329


Subject: Agriculture (General)

Publisher: Forest Product Research and Development Center

Year: 2009

Country: Indonesia

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