

Madagascar Conservation & Development

Madagascar Conservation & Development is an electronic, open-access, peer-reviewed, multi-disciplinary journal devoted to the swift dissemination of current research in and on Madagascar and the Western Indian Ocean islands. Madagascar Conservation & Development welcomes the results of original research based on field surveys, advances in field and laboratory techniques, book reviews, and informal status reports from research, conservation, development and management programs and in-field projects, both terrestrial and marine, in Madagascar and surrounding islands (including Mascarenes, Comoros, Seychelles). In addition, notes on changes in the legal status of any species (e.g., IUCN, CITES) or area (e.g. protected areas) in the region are welcomed. Readers are also encouraged to alert Madagascar Conservation & Development to pertinent letter-writing campaigns and other activities, which may need the support of the Madagascar Conservation & Development community. Madagascar Conservation & Development also encourages authors to make use of the unique opportunities of an electronic journal: color illustrations, animated model output, downloadable models and data sets, use of the "Response" option for interactive discussion, and other novel inventions to encourage reader interaction.


Keywords: Madagascar, Conservation, Development, Ecology, Biology

ISSN: 1662-2510


Subject: Social Sciences

Publisher: Indian Ocean e-Ink

Year: 2006

Country: Madagascar

Views: 1280 Research Paper Indexed by Citefactor - Not Available

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