

Revista CienciAmérica

CienciAmérica is a plural space for dissemination of knowledge and scientific research that is carried out in the countries of Latin America. Our authors are researchers, teachers and students who, based on research, innovation and development results, contribute to the construction and dissemination of new knowledge, around eight lines of research: Human Wellbeing, Biodiversity and Climate Change, Entrepreneurship and Productivity, Environment and risk management, Markets and consumer behavior, Territorial planning, Information technologies and communication ICT, ICT and society. CienciAmérica is aimed at the specialized public, but also at university students with research interests in the aforementioned subject.


Keywords: multidisciplinary,social sciences,technological sciences,natural sciences, business administration

ISSN: 1390-9592


Subject: Multidisciplinary

Publisher: Universidad Indoamérica

Year: 2012

Country: Ecuador

Views: 1221 Research Paper Indexed by Citefactor Index -- 5

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