

Relații Internaționale Plus

“International Relations Plus” Journal represents an academic effort of the Institute of International Relations in Moldova to fill in the gap in the scientific analysis of international relations and foreign policy of the Republic of Moldova. The editorial team will take into account the experience, profile and manner of the national publications in which international relations have been and are approached, will promote the scientific, analytical, research and knowledge spirit. Concerning the name of the publication: why “International Relations Plus”, there is a question, in particular, why “Plus”? It is to be noted, first of all, that etymologically “international relations” represent relations between nations / states. In this sense, “plus” signifies the presence in these relations of non-state actors, which have a share and influence, including in the establishment of the world order.


Keywords: law, international relations, world economy, political science, international economic relations

ISSN: 1857-4440


Subject: Social Sciences

Publisher: Institute of International Relations of Moldova

Year: 2011

Country: Moldova

Views: 595 Research Paper Indexed by Citefactor Index -- 33

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