


Is a Journal that emerges twice a year, the June edition and the December edition. The journal uses double-blind peer review, which means that the reviewer does not know the author's identity and neither the author knows who the evaluator of his article is. The journal presents an international forum for Balkan region, for empirical, qualitative, critical and interpretative studies, on different issues, and mainly in social and human sciences. The journal accepts original high quality articles from various theoretical and methodological approaches and is also open to interpretative and critical articles, as well as monographic review. The length of an article should be between 4000-7000 words, including references, appendix and/or other notes. The length of the review for the book should not exceed 1000 (one thousand) words.


Keywords: Balkan, social science, management, economics, cultural studies

ISSN: 1848-4298


Subject: Social Sciences

Publisher: AAB College

Year: 2018

Country: Kosova

Views: 3339 Research Paper Indexed by Citefactor Index -- 15

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