

Karamanoğlu Mehmetbey University Journal of Literature Faculty (EFAD)

KMU Journal Of Social Sciences And Research is an international, open access, peer reviewed academic journal which includes qualified articles and compilations in the field of Social Sciences. The journal accepts articles in German, French, English, Arabic, Turkish, Russian and Persian/Farsi. It is published twice (in June and December) a year. The responsibility of the articles belongs to their writers. In order to be published, the articles must not have been published or accepted to be published in anywhere else. The papers having been presented in a symposium, congress etc but not published yet and the studies produced from graduate dissertations are accepted for publication.


Keywords: karaman, faculty of literature

ISSN: 2667-4424


Subject: Social Sciences

Publisher: Karamanoğlu Mehmetbey University, Karaman/ Turkey

Year: 2018

Country: Turkey

Views: 953 Research Paper Indexed by Citefactor - Not Available

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