

Economic Research Guardian

Economic Research Guardian (EcRG) is a blind-reviewed online semi-annual journal, which publishes high quality economic scientific articles. Contributions covering Eastern Europe are more than welcome. The journal encourages the submission of theoretical and empirical research papers in the following areas of economics: * Mathematical and Quantitative Methods for Economics; * Public Economics; * Health, Education, and Welfare; * Labor and Demographic Economics; * Economic Development, Technological Change, and Growth; * Cultural Economics; Economic Sociology; Economic Anthropology. The aim of Economic Research Guardian is to integrate ideas and opinions of the economist and researchers in the field, all over the world, providing a true environment of scientific debate. Economic Research Guardian strongly promotes interdisciplinary studies over the issues of theoretical and practical importance, especially regarding the relationships between economics and political sciences, sociology, psychology etc. Weissberg Publishing provides free open access to the EcRG content (every reader has free unlimited access to full-text articles published by Economic Research Guardian, without subscription or price barriers), improving in this way the global research exchange.


Keywords: Economics

ISSN: 2247-8531


Subject: Social Sciences

Publisher: Weissberg SRL

Year: 2011

Country: Romania

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