About 2 years after the peace were restored in the North, the Internal newspaper of Hydrometeorology, the predecessor of Vietnam Journal of Hydrometeorology, was first published on April 20, 1956 by Director of Meteorological Department Dr. Nguyen Xien is the Editor-In-Chief.
At that time, the content of Internal newspaper was mainly to exchange professional experience, to encourage the enthusiasm and dedication of the observers at hydrometeorological stations in areas, especially in highland and mountainous areas.
The circulation of the Internal newspaper was limited, mainly for experts, internal readers and a number of governmental agencies. The layout of the newspaper was still sketchy, used Rônêô printer, and the range of pages was from 20 to 30.
Although the circulation was insignificant, the published articles were very diverse, showing the development and the overall picture of the Meteorological Department and from many stations. The Internal newspaper was issued regularly from Vol. 1 (April 20, 1956) to Vol. 15 (October 13, 1958), and the publication was temporarily suspended due to the changes in the organizational structure.
On August 15, 1959, volume 16 was issued with a brand new name the Internal Meteorological Physics Journal. This was because the Meteorological Department at that time was divided into two organizations. One is the Meteorological Division, which was placed under the control of Prime Minister; the second one was Hydrological division which was then incorporated into the Vietnam Ministry of Irrigation, and they became Hydrological Department. In 1960, the Hydrological Department continued to publish and change the name of the journal into Hydrological journal. The main purpose of the Journal was still unchanged.
In 1960, because of the development and diversification of information technology, the need for information exchanges, and cooperation in the world, the Internal Meteorological Physics Journal was republished. The journal included professional translations of international research for experts and staff to have a better understanding of the field. However, due to limited physical conditions and translation capacity, the journal was only able to publish for one year.
At the end of 1976, the Government decided to separate the Hydrological Department from the Ministry of Irrigation and merge it with the Meteorological Department into a new organization, the Vietnam Meteorological and Hydrological Administration under the Government. Therefore, the Internal Journal was re-established with the original name, and it represented both the Meteorological and Hydrological Department. At this time, the journal started to diverse more with more informative articles. Especially, the journal published more and more scientific research results, and the readers also required more than the authors who write articles. However, the journal did not meet the needs of the readers, consequently, it had to change its name and structures.
In early 1985, the journal changed its name to the Meteorological-Scientific and Technical Journal. After the country’s renovation in 1986, the volume of published information in the Journal increased significantly, the number of pages and circulation also increased to serve more readers. In June 1989, the journal special edition was published to cover the situation of hydrometeorology in 40 typical stations nationwide. The circulation was once a month, with a total of over 500, each of 50 pages.
October 13, 1998 had marked a milestone when the journal was renamed to the Vietnam Journal of Hydrometeorology.
URL: http://vnjhm.vn/
Keywords: Meteorology, Hydrology, Environment, Climate change
ISSN: 2525-2208
Subject: Environmental Sciences
Publisher: Thien Ha Joint Stock Company
Year: 2018
Country: Vietnam
Views: 3078
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