

Journal of Scientific, Technology and Engineering Research

ournal of Scientific, Technology and Engineering Research (JSTER); It is a PEER REVIEWED, OPEN ACCESS international journal that publishes articles related to science, technology and engineering. The Journal of Science, Technology and Engineering Research is a refereed, open access international academic journal that publishes articles on science, technology and engineering, and is published twice a year. The Journal of Science, Technology and Engineering Research is a peer-reviewed, six-month, online international research journal that publishes original articles, research articles, articles and applications from all scientific fields of engineering and technology research. Journal of Scientific, Technology and Engineering Research is an international open access peer-reviewed online journal and offers original research articles and effective communication covering all areas of science, engineering and technology.


Keywords: Scientific, Technology and Engineering

ISSN: 2717-8404


Subject: Computer Science

Publisher: Dr. Mehmet BULUT

Year: 2020

Country: Turkey

Views: 861 Research Paper Indexed by Citefactor Index -- 9

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