

Hikmet Yurdu

Hikmet Yurdu, first published in 2008, is an internationally refereed, academic, online journal published in the field of Social Sciences. (Article Acceptance Dates: 15 JANUARY - 01 DECEMBER for 01 JANUARY on 01 JULY, 15 JANUARY - 01 JUNE on 01 JULY). HİKMET YURDU aims to publish studies on social sciences (Religious Studies, Social Sciences and Humanities), translation articles, simplification of Ottoman Turkish texts, symposium evaluation, book promotion and critique, interview and interview. It is confirmed that the articles submitted for publication are not previously published and plagiarized through a special program (Turnitin, iTenticate, etc.) used primarily in plagiarism detection. Then, if the editor deems it appropriate, the article will be forwarded to at least two referees. Double-sided blind arbitration assessment is essential in the article evaluation process. (Detailed information about the arbitration and evaluation processes is given in the ASSESSMENT POLICY section) One of the authors of the articles decided to be published as a result of the referee process: In articles' language and engslih abstract required. In addition, at the end of the text a structured Abstract / Summary of at least 750 words is requested.


Keywords: hikmet yurdu, ali duman, islamic sciences, social sciences, religious studies

ISSN: 1308-6944


Subject: Social Sciences

Publisher: Ali Duman

Year: 2008

Country: Turkey

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