

PanAfrican Journal of Governance and Development (PJGD)

The Center for PanAfrican Journal of Governance and Development (PJGD) is established to offer a platform of expression of new scientific inquiries to all intellectuals/academicians/scholars of the world in general and Africa & Ethiopia, in particular, to reflect on how governance and development can be promoted, strengthened and consolidated. As the nature of the journal is multi-, inter-, and trans-disciplinary, the scope of the journal ranges from the disciplines of political science, governance, development, leadership, national and international law, globalization, human rights, economics, environmental science, public policy, international relations, international organizations, gender, peace and conflict management, international political economy, multiculturalism, civil society, and related areas. The biannual edition will be published in February and August of each year with the status of “Double Blind Peer Review Journal.” The PJGD is a unilingual journal that publishes articles only in English language. Consistency of either British or American English must be followed. All articles published in PanAfrican Journal of Governance and Development (PJGD) are open access.


Keywords: Multidisciplinary, Public Administration, Education & Educational Research, Ethnic Studies, Gender Studies, Cultural Studies, General Environmental Science, General Social Sciences, Planning & Development, Political Science & International Relations, Womens Studies, Social Issues, Development, Urban Studies, Pollution

ISSN: 2707-1308


Subject: Multidisciplinary

Publisher: Jimma University

Year: 2020

Country: Ethiopia

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