RES GESTA is a History scientific journal edited by the Instituto de Historia of the Facultad de Derecho y Cs. Sociales del Rosario. From issue 51 is sponsored by the Nodo IH of IDEHESI, Executive Unit of CONICET.
It has been published uninterruptedly since 1977 and since 2016 it is also available in electronic format.
It privileges the disclosure of original research and unpublished documentation. It is aimed at specialists in the discipline and the academic community in general, as well as the public interested in these topics. It aspires to become a forum for reflection and debate on topics mainly referred to Argentina and America in an environment of individual freedom.
Its articles are submitted to external referral of specialists.
Res Gesta is included in the Núcleo Básico de Revistas Científicas (NBR), LATINDEX Catalogue 2.0, DOAJ, REDIB, ERIH PLUS and has been evaluated as a Level 1 Magazine by Caicyt. Its articles are compiled in DIALNET, in HLAS Online, Handbook of Latin American Studies and in the Information Matrix for the Analysis of Magazines of the University of Barcelona (MIAR).
ISSN: 0325-772X
Subject: History
Publisher: Instituto de Historia. Facultad de Derecho y Ciencias Sociales del Rosario. Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina
Year: 2015
Country: Argentina
Views: 1572
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