Handbook of tourism management heritage is an international scientific journal, electronic and biannual, specialized in Tourism and Heritage. Edited in Córdoba by Inves-Pa.Responsible entity: Association of Research and Heritage Studies They focus on the competitiveness, development, maintenance and growth of tourist destinations with the purpose of publishing advances and results of original research that allows disseminating among researchers, professionals, students and teachers the cutting-edge knowledge of tourism as a social and economic phenomenon that impacts with a critical sense for its sustainability. In this sense, the following topics:
Heritage tourism management of manifestations of Intangible Cultural Heritage of UNESCO
Tourism Management UNESCO Material Heritage
Cultural and Heritage Tourism Policies
Satisfaction, tourist loyalty in world heritage cities
Cultural and heritage routes and itineraries
The different segments of tourism especially heritage tourism but are not excluded: Gastronomic tourism (Wine tourism, oleotourism, ...); Architectural tourism; Exhibition tourism; Religious tourism; Dark tourism; Cemeteries tourism; Archaeological tourism; Industrial tourism; Shopping tourism; Language tourism; Flamenco Tourism; Congress Tourism; Tourism Marketing
ICTs and online commerce in tourism
Business management of tourism enterprises
Legislation in the tourism sector
Tourism and translation
The methodology is accepted both qualitatively and quantitatively.
URL: https://cuadernosgestionturisticadelpatrimonio.es
Keywords: heritage;management;tourism
ISSN: 2952-2390
Subject: Social Sciences
Publisher: A. Investigación y Estudios de Patrimonio
Year: 2022
Country: Spain
Views: 225
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