

Top publications - Engineering & Computer Science

1. Advanced Materials 190 262
2. Nano Letters 181 257
3. ACS Nano 170 255
4. Nature Materials 162 259
5. Energy & Environmental Science 141 191
6. Nature Nanotechnology 140 218
7. Nature Photonics 133 201
8. IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, CVPR 128 203
9. Journal of Materials Chemistry 125 164
10. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 118 151
11. Advanced Functional Materials 117 162
12. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 112 165
13. Bioresource Technology 112 163
14. Chemistry of Materials 112 156
15. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 109 147
16. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence 108 195
17. Bioinformatics 106 184
18. Journal of Power Sources 102 149
19. Nanoscale 102 137
20. Energy Policy 98 125


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