Water, one of the five elements, runs through the course of evolution as life line. Conceived as the source of…
Trying to achieve a perfect or better society for living, men dared, from the very beginning of his existence, to…
Emerging new literature has facilitated a dialogue among the alternative aesthetics created by new literature with an interpolation of central…
This study aims at exploring the flows of transit migration to North Cyprus by type: whether or not it is…
From Avicenna and Descartes a long debate on the role of mind-body dilemma has left a huge impact on ethics…
A state of well being in which one realizes own potentials, can cope with every day stressors, can work productively…
The companies, in International markets, are required to examine the attitudes and the behaviours to recognize the consumer to be…
Within cities, culture and creativity have often been used as successful tools for dissuasion of conflict and consensus. Using the…
Throughout history, education has not only been a carrier of culture, but also an integral part of communication between different…
Internet, already a part of our lives far surpassing its limits as a means of communication, seems to have shaped…