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Searching For: 2322-6307 2322-6307

Female entrepreneurship development in the Russian Federation

The purpose of the work is to assess levels of entrepreneurial activity of women in Russia, their motivational preferences. The…

Real Time Impact Factor
Views: 1

Production and marketing related problems of vegetable growers in Punjab

The present study was undertaken to study the production and marketing related problems of vegetable growers in Punjab. A sample…

Real Time Impact Factor
Views: 4333

Etiology of rural exclusion in higher education: A case of Punjab

The Indian education sector witnessed phenomenal changes during the last decade. The most noticeable development occurred in the sphere of…

Real Time Impact Factor
Views: 4287

Impact of border area development programme on infrastructure improvement in Punjab

Under this Border Area Development Programme (BADP) the Government of India approves the work under six sectors namely infrastructure, education,…

Real Time Impact Factor
Views: 4717

Matching market infrastructure requirements for agricultural revolution in Punjab

The Indian Punjab agriculture has witnessed decelerating growth followed by stagnating productivities of wheat and rice, the major crops at…

Real Time Impact Factor
Views: 4616

Production and marketable surplus of summer vegetables in Punjab

The present study was undertaken to examine the extent of area, production, marketable surplus of summer vegetables in Punjab. The…

Real Time Impact Factor
Views: 4596

Performance of private sector commercial banks in India after reforms

The results of the study showed that private banks are on rapid growth path. The profit generation with respect to…

Real Time Impact Factor
Views: 4708

Green revolution and economic disparity: An overview

As an important macro-economic parameter, income distribution has significant impact on various other social and economic variables. As witnessed elsewhere…

Real Time Impact Factor
Views: 4449

A study into the factors affecting suicides among weavers in Andhra Pradesh

This paper mainly highlights the reasons for suicides among the handloom and power loom weavers in Karimnagar district in Andhra…

Real Time Impact Factor
Views: 4464

Basmati rice cultivation for resource conservation and use efficiency in context of sustainable agriculture in Punjab

The present paper studied resource use pattern and economic viability and various biotic and a biotic constraints of basmati rice…

Real Time Impact Factor
Views: 4240


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