

Browse Result: Showing Top 10 Results

Searching For: 2526-1789

Fundamentos do resgate tipográfico

This study aims to investigate the process of typographic revival present in type design field. Although the type revival practice…

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Views: 1

O metaprojeto na perspectiva da complexidade

This paper discusses the concept of metaproject from the lens of complexity theory. For this reason, it is based on…

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Views: 1

Affordances e enação: convergências fenomenológicas em interfaces afetivas

The article discusses a relationship between the concepts of affordance and enaction in interactive media, from a phenomenological view. Situation…

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Views: 1

A poesia, o cinema e a holossignia

This article aims to discuss issues common to experimental cinema and po-etry: self - awareness of language, attention to the…

Real Time Impact Factor
Views: 1

O olhar científico e o olhar fotográfico sobre corpo: uma objetividade inacessível

This article address the photogeny as the ground aesthetic of the transfor-mation of the real and represented body. The art,…

Real Time Impact Factor
Views: 1

Poiesis do corpo

In the context of technological art, there is an approximation between poie-sis and praxis, which then don’t oppose, it may…

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Views: 1

Resíduos: A matéria-prima da indústria do futuro

One of the major environmental problems of today is the high volume of solid waste generated by the industry to…

Real Time Impact Factor
Views: 1

A abordagem de design e materiais no âmbito do PPGDesign/Univille

This report presents the structuring of technical-scientific contents associated with the subject Materials and Processes within the Graduate Program in…

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Views: 1

Novos Pensamentos & Reflexões Emergente: Prática enquanto pesquisa em arte, design e tecnologia - Editorial

DATJournal v.3 n.2 2018 Editorial This special issue of DAT considers thinking in the South. It asks, ‘Where practice is…

Real Time Impact Factor
Views: 1

Instalação audiovisual interativa Polícia, Bandido, Cachorro, Dentista

Instalação audiovisual interativa Polícia, Bandido, Cachorro, Dentista

Real Time Impact Factor
Views: 1


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