Presently, the Internet is being used by around 2 billion individuals around the globe and they utilize it for searching,…
The spectrum scarcity problem, which was being faced by the traditional wireless sensor networks for the past few years, has…
One of the key tasks of human resource department is to continuously match the current and desired human resources need…
The New Direct Tax Code which was said to be introduced from the financial year, 2012-13 replacing the five decade…
It is well known fact that education and training plays a major role when it comes to areas like organizational…
El objetivo central de este trabajo es construir la gráfica de funciones de dos variables, a su vez las curvas…
El presente trabajo trata de innovar el área de la educación superior mediante el estudio de los beneficios que presenta…
El objetivo fue interpretar el “Poema del Manicomio” de Carlos Oquendo de Amat desde la perspectiva del análisis del discurso.…
A customer is the sole king in business. Indeed customers play a significant role in the success of any organization.…
In the recent past, there has been a public outcry on the Kenyan government’s failure to offer credible digital services…