

City and Territory Territorial Studies

"CIUDAD Y TERRITORIO ESTUDIOS TERRITORIALES” is an academic journal, with double-blind peer review, focused on urban and regional studies. Its publishing is funded by the Spanish Ministry of Public Works, although its Editorial Board is completely independent from this institution. It has been published with this title since 1993, when two previous journals dating from 1968 were merged into one. So, the journal has now a 50 years trajectory in the dissemination of new knowledge and the discussion of contemporary spatial and urban planning issues, with a special focus in Spain, Europe and Latin America. "CIUDAD Y TERRITORIO ESTUDIOS TERRITORIALES” publishes 4 issues every year. The journal’s language is Spanish (actually it is one of the leading journals in the subject of Urban Studies in this language), although it includes Abstracts and Keywords in English. Each issue contains original research papers on different themes addressed from various perspectives with a transdisciplinary scope (e.g., urban planning, geography, architecture and built environment, landscape architecture, sociology, economics, urban history and theory, etc.). For the moment, it is indexed in SCOPUS, WoS Emerging Sources Citation Index, SCImago-SJR, Periodicals Index Online, Avery Index to Architectural Periodicals, LATINDEX, Ulrichsweb, URBADOC, DIALNET, MIAR, etc.


Keywords: urban studies, human geography, urban planning

ISSN: 1133-4762


Subject: Geography

Publisher: Ministerio de Fomento

Year: 2013

Country: Spain

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