

Publica: Journal of State Administration Thought

Publica: Jurnal Pemikiran Administrasi Negara is an open access scholarly peer-reviewed journal written in either Indonesia or English which eternally publishes twice a year in June and December. Publica urges academicians, researchers, professionals, and practitioners to share and issue their indigineous ideas, empiric studies, and authentic research results. It is supposed to offer worthwhile and usable solutions for public administration defiances in the context of regional, national, and international issues. Hence, Publica is recently collaborated with Indonesian Association for Public Administration (IAPA). Publica is available to articles that apply diverse research methods and theoretical approaches.The journal scope contains the number of topics related to public administration and beyond that, such as public policy, bureaucracy, civil service, public finance, public service, collaborative governance, dynamic governance, digital governance, corporate governance, public-private partnership, administrative reform, e-government, local government, organizational development, organizational behavior, knowledge management, human resource development, leadership, performance management.


Keywords: publica, public administration, public polcy, public finance

ISSN: 2085-6555


Subject: Social Sciences

Publisher: Jurusan Administrasi Publik FISIP UIN SGD Bandung

Year: 2018

Country: Indonesia

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