

International Journal of Accounting, Finance, Auditing, Management and Economics

IJAFAME is a bi-monthly (one issue every two months) peer-reviewed scientific journal dedicated to research in finance, accounting, auditing, management and economics. Its objective is to promote research in economics and management sciences. IFAJAME aims to publish original articles and articles adapted to a given context. It also provides a forum for exchange to professionals and academics in order to find new research ideas. The IJAFAME journal encourages researches developed according to different paradigms (positivist, constructivist, interpretativist, etc.) and promotes theoretical and practical reflection. Thus, each article undergoes a peer review (minimum two scientific reviewers) anonymously (blind) in order to evaluate the respect of international norms and standards for the publication of scientific articles.


Keywords: economics, management, accounting, auditing, finance

ISSN: 2658-8455


Subject: Business and Management

Publisher: Zakaria EZ-ZARZARI

Year: 2020

Country: Morocco

Views: 4523 Research Paper Indexed by Citefactor - Not Available

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