

Journal Faculty of Jurisprudence

The Journal Faculty of Jurisprudence (RFJ) is a biannual digital scientific publication of the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador, Faculty of Jurisprudence. It constitutes the Second Period of the journal initially published in 1999. It deals with issues from an exegetical, multi, and transdisciplinary perspective. It is dedicated to the critical analysis of national and international law issues in all its areas. It includes original articles (research, review, analysis, according to their degree of complexity and contribution) and alternatively abstracts of research, book reviews, research notes, miscellaneous, original, and informative reports and translations. The selection and evaluation of the documents are carried out by at least two external specialists according to the << double-blind >> methodology, which maintains the anonymity of the authors and evaluators. Therefore, the articles selected for publication will have: a) passed a preselection and review by the editorial team; and b) complied with the review as mentioned above system. Therefore, it is a continuous and semi-annual scientific publication (January-June) (July-December) published by the Publications Center and under the auspices of the Research Directorate of the University. The continuous publication modality closes on June 30 and December 31 of each year. However, the RFJ is open to receive articles throughout the year. Its emphasis is the field of the legal (understood "prima facie" in a theoretical sense) and its relationship with other disciplines, knowledge, and sciences. It can use the "special thematic" system in any of your calls. RFJ is included in the catalogs: 1) REDALYC ( 2) CLASE-Biblat ( 3) ERIH PLUS (European Reference Index for the Humanities and Social Sciences): 4) OAJI (Open Academic Journals Index) 5) HEIN Online ( 6) CIRC (Clasificación Integrada de Revistas Científicas) 7) REDIB (Red Iberoamericana de Innovación y Conocimiento Cientí­fico): 8) MIAR (Matriz de Información para el Análisis de Revistas - Versión 2020 live): It has been considered for the next edition of the prestigious international catalogue Carhus Plus + (classification system for scientific journals promoted by the Directorate-General for Research of the Generalitat de Catalunya). It is part of the Crossref, Google Scholar and ROAD repositories.


Keywords: law, social science, politics, regulation

ISSN: 2588-0837


Subject: Law


Year: 2017

Country: Ecuador

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