

Indian Journal of Advanced Zoology (IJAZ)

The Indian Journal of Advanced Zoology (IJAZ) is having ISSN 2582-9521 (online), half yearly international journal, being published in the months of April and October by Lattice Science Publication (LSP) Bhopal (M.P.), India since year 2021. The Indian Journal of Advanced Zoology (IJAZ) is online, open access, peer reviewed, periodical international journal. The aims of the journal is to publish original, theoretical and practical advances in Zoology that covers Animal Diversity, Animal Science, Organisms, Chemistry of Life, Chemical Foundation of Life, Study of Life, Biological Macromolecules, Cell, Cell Structure, Metabolism, Cellular Respiration, Photosynthesis, Cell Communication, Cell Reproduction Structure and Function of Plasma Membranes, Genetics, Aquatic biology, Biochemistry, Bioanalytical detection of toxicants and animal metabolites, Behaviour, Cell biology, Developmental Biology, Ecology, Environmental studies dealing with animals, Endocrinology, Ecotoxicology, Entomology, Genetics, Molecular Biology, Morphology, Neurosience, Nimal Nutrition, Nimal Nutrition, Energy Nutrients, Protein, Minerals, Vitamins, Feed Additives and Water, Natural product research, Physiology Parasitology, Pharmacology, Reproductive Biology, Systematics and evolution, Toxicology, Zoogeography, Meiosis and Sexual Reproduction, Mendel’s Experiments and Heredity, Modern Understandings of Inheritance, DNA Structure and Function, Genes and Proteins, Gene Expression, Acarology, Arachnology, Arthropodology, Entomology, Coleopterology, Lepidopterology Melittology, Myrmecology, Orthopterology, Herpetology, Batrachology, Cheloniology, Ichthyology, Malacology, Conchology Teuthology, Mammalogy, Cetology, Myriapodology, Ornithology, Parasitology, Helminthology, Planktology, Primatology, Protozoology, Nematology, Animal Structure and Function, Animal Body – Basic Form and Function, Animal Nutrition and the Digestive System, Nervous System, Sensory Systems, Endocrine System, Musculoskeletal System, Respiratory System, Circulatory System, Osmotic Regulation and Excretion, Immune System, Animal Reproduction and Development, Ecology Ecology and the Biosphere, Population and Community Ecology and Ecosystems. All submitted articles will be reviewed by the board of new editors of Indian Journal of Advanced Zoology (IJAZ).


Keywords: Zoology

ISSN: 0000-0000


Subject: Biology

Publisher: Lattice Science Publication (LSP)

Year: 2021

Country: India

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