The Indian Journal of Petroleum Engineering (IJPE) is having ISSN 2582-9297 (online) half yearly international journal, being published in the months of May and November by Lattice Science Publication (LSP) Bhopal (M.P.), India since year 2021.
The Indian Journal of Petroleum Engineering (IJPE) is online, open access, peer reviewed, periodical international journal. The aims of the journal is to publish original, theoretical and practical advances in Petroleum Engineering that covers Origin and Accumulation of Petroleum and Natural Gas, Petroleum Geochemistry, Reservoir Engineering, Reservoir Simulation, Rock Mechanics, Petrophysics, Pore-Level Phenomena, Well Logging, Testing and Evaluation, Mathematical Modelling, Enhanced Oil and Gas, Recovery, Petroleum Geology, Compaction/Diagenesis, Petroleum Economics, Drilling and Drilling Fluids, Thermodynamics and Phase Behaviour, Fluid Mechanics, Multi-Phase Flow in Porous Media, Production Engineering, Formation Evaluation, Exploration Methods, Co2 Sequestration in Geological Formations/Sub-Surface, Management and Development of Unconventional Resources Such as Heavy Oil and Bitumen, Tight Oil and Liquid Rich Shales Production of Hydrocarbons, Petroleum Geology, Formation Evaluation (Well Logging), Drilling and Economics, Oil Refining, Synthetic Fuel Technologies, Oil Shale Technology and Reservoir Simulation. All submitted articles will be reviewed by the board of new editors of Indian Journal of Petroleum Engineering (IJPE).
Keywords: Petroleum Engineering
ISSN: 0000-0000
Subject: Geology
Publisher: Lattice Science Publication (LSP)
Year: 2021
Country: India
Views: 936
Research Paper Indexed by Citefactor Index -- 363
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