

Revista Mundo Antigo

The Revista Mundo Antigo is a biannual and open access scientific journal (Open Access Journal). This Journal is specialized in Ancient History, Medieval History and Archaeology. It is published by the Núcleo de Estudos em História Medieval, Antiga e Arqueologia Transdisciplinar (NEHMAAT) subordinated to Department of History of Campos dos Goytacazes - Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF). This journal aims to: To promote exchange between researchers, teachers and graduate students from Brazil and abroad. Disseminate research professors and graduate students from Brazil and abroad. Allow access faster and easier to scholar research in order to be used in future research by students and teachers. Stimulate the production of knowledge about Ancient History, Medieval History and Ancient Archaeology. Disseminate publications, events, courses and sites in order to contribute to the research staff and students. Establish a relationship between ancient and modern world, when possible, to a better understanding of historical processes. All rights reserved to the authors. The articles are the responsibility of their authors.


Keywords: Ancient History - Medieval History - Archaeology

ISSN: 2238-8788


Subject: History

Publisher: Universidade Federal Fluminense (NEHMAAT-UFF)

Year: 2012

Country: Brazil

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