

European Cooperation

International Collection of scientific proceedings «European Cooperation» founded in 2015 (ISSN (Print) : 2449-7320; ISSN (Online) : 2449-8726) . The founder of the Collection is Consulting Company Consilium Sp. z o.o. registered in Warsaw, Poland. The Collection is publishing 12 issues per year by Consulting Company Consilium Sp. z o.o. The Collection’s Editorial expands the indexation in the international informational and scientometric data bases Google Scholar, ERIH (European Reference index of the Humanities), Index Copernicus, Ulrichsweb Global Serials Directory, Research Papers in Economics, Directory of Open Access Journals, EBSCOhost, GetInfo, Research Bible and other. The Collection is oriented for publication the scientific research results of scientists from Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Georgia, Ukraine, Russia and other countries of Europe and World in Economics, Finances, Engineering (Technical specialties), Philosophy and other. As members of Collection’s Editorial Board are high qualification scientists from the mentioned and other countries, that provides the high level of papers reviewing, allows to publish the research results which will be accessible for wide range of readers all over the World. The aim is to highlight the Collection research papers of the scientists who aim to study the problems of: • Economics; • Modern information technologies; • Management and Marketing in various areas; • Sociology science; • Technical sciences; • Mathematical modeling of the systems and processes in various areas; • Philosophy and Culture; • Psychology and Pedagogic; • Jurisprudence. The main tasks of the Collection are: 1. Methodological – discussion of the contents, problems and prospects of development of the mentioned above scientific areas, analysis of current existing business and demonstration of new methods and approaches for solving the scientific tasks etc. 2. Informational – to provide the results of excellence, professional analytical overviews, information on changes in the law and so on. 3. Forming scientific community – publishing articles of researchers from international scientific space.


Keywords: Social production, categories, economic laws, the economic system, the world economy

ISSN: 2449-7320


Subject: Business and Management

Publisher: Consulting Company Consilium Sp. z o.o.

Year: 2015

Country: Poland

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