

Biological Journal of Microorganism

Journal Title: Biological Journal of Microorganism (BJM) Journal Type: Quarterly ISSN (Print): 2322-5173 ISSN (Online): 2322-5181 License Holder: University of Isfahan Editor - in – Chief: Dr. G. Emtiazi, Professor, University of Isfahan ( Manager : A. Rahimsalmani Language of Journal : Farsi and English ( One number in English during a year) Responsible Manager: Dr. SH. Zarkesh, Associate Professor, University of Isfahan Reviewing and Evaluating: BJM is a peer-reviewed journal. The articles which are received are send to three reviewers to be blind reviewed. If the reports of two of them are positive, the paper is send back to authers for revisig. Finally, the article is send back to one of the reviewrers for final check. If his/ her report is positive, the paper is accepted. Reviewing and Evaluating process: Double Blind Registration and Submission for authors is free of charge. BJM support the rights of users to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of articles. BJM by University of Isfahan is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. BJM adheres to the publication ethics and publication malpractice policies as outlined by COPE.


Keywords: [Structure, metabolism and genetics of microorganisms] [Ecology and Systematic of microorganisms] [Industrial, Environmental and Food Microbiology] [Pathogenic microorganisms] [Microbial nanobiotechnology]

ISSN: 2322-5173


Subject: Biology

Publisher: university of isfahan

Year: 2012

Country: Iran

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