he XLinguae (ISSN 2453-711X online, ISSN 1337-8384 print) is the European scientific language double-blind peer-reviewed journal covering linguistics, applied linguistics and philology fields on and in Modern European languages. It is published by the Slovenská Vzdelávacia a Obstarávacia s.r.o., Nitra, with frequency of 4 issues per year: January, April, June, and October. The main objective of the Journal is to promote and sustain the European language and culture diversity through articles and empirical studies written in and about European Modern Languages.
URL: http://www.xlinguae.eu/
Keywords: Language , Jana Birova, European Modern Languages
ISSN: 1337-8384
Subject: Languages and Literatures
Publisher: Slovenská Vzdelávacia a Obstarávacia s.r.o.
Year: 2008
Country: Slovakia
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