Más Poder Local Magazine is published by the American Association of Researchers Electoral Campaign (ALICE). With five years of operation and 26 published editions, the magazine deals with all matters related to communication processes and electoral strategy, from a local and regional perspective, and putting the focus on Ibero-America. The publication combines popular articles with research articles. The magazine is registered in the catalog Latindex DICE database of journals CSIC, Dialnet, CAPES, the Latin American Network of Journals of Communication and Culture, Miar and DOAJ.
URL: www.maspoderlocal.es
Keywords: Politics, media, elections, local, regional
ISSN: 2172-0223
Subject: Social Sciences
Publisher: Asociación Latinoamericana de Investigadores en Campañas Electorales (ALICE)
Year: 2010
Country: Spain
Views: 1236
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