POL is published quarterly on-line and Bi-annually through Printed issues. It covers the areas of education and other subjects too as it is interdisciplinary in nature. The areas covered in POL are: Educational Philosophy, Sociology and Psychology
Education at different Levels: ECCE, Elementary, Secondary, Higher Secondary and University Education
ICT in Education
Teacher Education for Different Levels of Education
Education of Disadvantaged Sections: SC, ST, Girls/Women, Minority, Rural Poor.
Inclusive Education
Vocational Education
Economics of Education
Peace Education
Human Rights Education
Curriculum Development
Educational Management
Policy, Planning and Acts in Education
Examination and Assessment Systems
Adult Literacy/Education
Open and Distance Learning System
Pedagogy of Core School Subjects: Language Education, Science Education, Mathematics Education, Social Science Education
Contemporary Issues in Education
URL: http://pedagogyoflearning.com/
Keywords: Pedagogy, Learning, Education
ISSN: P-ISSN : 2320-9526
EISSN:E-ISSN : 2395-7344
Subject: Education
Publisher: Krishma Educational Centre
Year: 2015 january
Country: India
Views: 2558
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