

European Journal of Education Studies

European Journal of Education Studies is an international peer reviewed journal that presents high quality, original and recent research focused on a wide range of thematic areas from traditional to contemporary, from formal education to alternative, examining and comparing various education policies, trends, reforms and programmes from different countries and cultures. Authors are strongly encouraged to employ a variety of theoretical and methodological tools in order to gain new insights by integrating different perspectives, social and cultural contexts, psychological aspects, alternative theories and techniques. The journal encompasses a wide variety of research topics, including: - early child development, preschool, primary and secondary level education, higher level education; - reading and writing comprehension, primary and secondary language training; - pedagogical organization and development, vocational education, special education; - informal learning, open education, educational psychology and philosophy; - modern and classic philosophies of education and educational approaches, alternative education, indigenous education, autodidacticism, unschooling; - methods and techniques of teaching and learning, critical thinking, standard and special curriculum, collaborative learning, linear learning, distance and e-learning; - psychological approaches: behaviorism, cognitivism, constructivism, etc.; - national and international strategies, framework and organization. Research paper accepted: articles, communications, intervention studies, study cases, book reviews, commentaries, short reports, etc.


Keywords: education, primary and secondary education, educational psychology

ISSN: 2501-1111


Subject: Education

Publisher: Open Access Publishing Group

Year: 2015

Country: Romania

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