Філософія освіти. Philosophy of Education (ISSN 2309-1606) is a academic journal published by Philosophy of Education Society of Ukraine in co-operation with Institute of Higher Education of National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine.
Філософія освіти. Philosophy of Education is an open access and peer-reviewed journal that focuses on paradigmatic, theoretical, methodological and conceptual issues of philosophy of education.
Філософія освіти. Philosophy of Education publishes articles representing a wide variety of philosophical and educational issues with paying much attention to problems of education in the context of globalization, the information revolution, and the trajectories of changes in transition societies such as Ukrainian. It orients the contemporary research on different methodological approaches and philosophical positions, which permit to understand the strategies of educational reforming in 21 st century. The first translations (into Ukrainian) of works and original works, addresses to readers, interviews of famous contemporary philosophers, sociologists, and educators such as M.Horkheimer, J.Habermas, W.McBride, P.McLaren, E.Laszlo, P.Sztompka, S.Sztobryn, J.Bishop, P. Sloterdijk, J.Gore, J. de Groof, M.Peters, F. Fukuyama, Jin -Whan Park, M.Burawoy were published. The journal creates a space of philosophical discourse and serves as a forum for the exchange of information and views between scholars and practitioners, NGOs and the community. Philosophy of Education is the centre of the Philosophy of Education Society of Ukraine and aims at developing the contacts with scientific societies from other countries. The editorial board is represented by scholars from Ukraine, Croatia, Moldova, Russia, Poland, Greece, and USA. Its work also includes organizing the symposiums, methodological seminars, round tables on topical issues of education, popularizing and implementing the research ideas to educational practice, which is reflected in the problem issues of the journal.
URL: https://philosopheducation.com
Keywords: philosophy, education
ISSN: 2309-1606
Subject: Philosophy
Publisher: Philosophy of Education Society
Year: 2005
Country: Ukraine
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