Extensão Rural is a scientific publication published every three months from the Department of Rural Education and Extension (DEAER) of the Rural Sciences Center (CCR) of the Federal University of Santa Maria (UFSM) for the publication of unpublished works, in the form of scientific articles and bibliographical reviews related to the following areas: i) Rural Development, ii) Rural Economy and Administration, iii) Rural Anthropology and Sociology, iv) Extension and Rural Communication, v) Sustainability in the Rural Area. It is aimed at researchers, academics and rural extension agents, as well as disseminating its work to society.
URL: https://periodicos.ufsm.br/extensaorural/index
Keywords: Rural administration, Rural development, Rural extension
ISSN: 1515-7802
Subject: Agriculture (General)
Publisher: Fabiano Nunes Vaz
Year: 2014
Country: Brazil
Views: 1472
Research Paper Indexed by Citefactor Index -- 325
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