

Știința culturii fizice (The Science of Physical Culture)

The Scientific Theoretical Journal "The Science of Physical Culture" was founded in 2005 and it is a biannual appearance, published by the State University of Physical Education and Sport, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova. Conceived as a scientific publication, it reflects and calls into question the results of the scientific and didactic-methodical activity of the teaching staff. It is intended for specialists in the field of physical culture and sport, scientific collaborators, teachers, coaches, PhD students and students. The topic of the inserted papers aims to professional training, sports' training theory, physical education, recreational and recovery physical culture. Over the years, both the volume and the quality of the published materials essential have increased. In the Journal "The Science of Physical Culture" the articles are published in Romanian, Russian and English, being respected the international editorial conventions. All articles are carefully evaluated and subjected to scientific and literary drafting by a competent editorial board with extensive experience in the field. The authors of the papers have a special national reputation, many of them publishing together with prestigious scientists from abroad. The Journal "The Science of Physical Culture" is with open access. This means that the materials published in the journal are free accessible to readers. Open access means that readers are allowed to download, cite, and distribute, with copyright compliance - with mention of sources and authors in the case of citations, without the editorial board's approval and authors. The articles from the journal are archived and indexed by the National Bibliometric Instrument. According to the Decision of the Supreme Council for Science and Technological Development of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova jointly with the National Council for Accreditation and Attestation (No. 147 of June 26, 2015), for the journal "Science of Physical Culture" was awarded the scientific publication status of B category.


Keywords: physical culture, sport, science, education, training

ISSN: 1857-4114


Subject: Education

Publisher: The State University of Physical Education and Sport

Year: 2009

Country: Moldova

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