UPA Strategic Affairs is an open access, peer-reviewed online (electronic) international academic journal that is published twice a year.
UPA Strategic Affairs is established in 2020 by the founders of UPA (Uluslararası Politika Akademisi-International Political Academy), a well-known foreign policy initiative in Turkey that was initiated in 2012.
ISSN: 2718-0182
UPA Strategic Affairs encourages all Social Sciences scholars, students, and researchers to send their scientific articles for publication.
UPA Strategic Affairs aims to appeal to a wide scholarly audience by welcoming all Social Sciences works without a geographic or topic-based limitation.
UPA Strategic Affairs publishes theoretical, methodological, and research-based articles in addition to original op-eds and book reviews.
UPA Strategic Affairs publishes only Turkish, English, and French articles.
All published articles are archived in UPA website (http://politikaakademisi.org/archive/).
UPA Strategic Affairs will take necessary steps to be cited in Turkish and international indexes.
URL: https://dergipark.org.tr/en/pub/upa
Keywords: International Relations, European Studies, Turkish Foreign Policy, Middle Eastern Policies
Subject: Social Sciences
Publisher: UPA
Year: 2020
Country: Turkey
Views: 1170
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