Geography Notebooks / Quaderni di Geografia / Cahiers de Géographie / Cuadernos de Geografía is a scientific journal of human geography published in four languages (Italian, English, French, Spanish). This journal purports to be a forum for debate devoted to the promotion of the theoretical, methodological and thematic investigation in all the fields of geographical research. For this reason the journal aims to investigate the complex regional diversity of the planet, which is due to a combination of natural and anthropic elements, also through the analysis of the representations of specific places and narratives produced by the territorial action of human groups.
Geography Notebooks / Quaderni di Geografia / Cahiers de Géographie / Cuadernos de Geografía has therefore the ambition to present the variety of human geography, in its descriptive, rationalist, structuralist, functionalist, quantitative, regional aspects. At the same time, it aims to give space to humanistic, immaterial, symbolic and communicative dimensions, which bear values, aspirations, ambitions, spirituality, deriving from historical, cultural, identity and gender differences. In this perspective, the journal is necessarily inter- and multi- disciplinary also to be coherent with a strong tendency in contemporary human geography that conceives the interrelation with other disciplines as the prerequisite for the study of the complexity of the "world system". For these reasons this international journal welcomes not only articles of geographers but also works that fall into various disciplines in social sciences, humanities and earth system sciences. The journal is so open to all the researchers whose contribution can enhance the plurality of points of view about the relations between humans and the Earth.
Keywords: geography; human geography; tourism; social sciences; humanities
ISSN: 2611-7193
Subject: Geography
Publisher: LED Edizioni Universitarie
Year: 2018
Country: Italy
Views: 487
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