Asas (ISSN 1979-1488 E-ISSN:2722-8681) is a biannual journal (June and December), published by Faculty of Sharia, State Islamic University of Raden Intan Lampung, INDONESIA. Asas emphasizes Scientific Journal of Syari’ah Economic Law studies and communicates researches related to Syari’ah Economic Law studies
As an academic journal Asas by the State Islamic University of Raden Intan Lampung. The purpose of this journal publication is of disseminate the latest theories and research results from all aspects that have been achieved in the fields of Syari’ah Economic Law. This journal publishes useful works through a systematic process and can be accessed free of charge.
Keywords: Asas
ISSN: 1979-1488
Subject: Business and Management
Publisher: Juli-Desember
Year: 2013
Country: Indonesia
Views: 646
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