The Journal of Geographical Research on Desert Areas (GRDA)
On May 28, 2012, under a warrant numbered 91.68.38, the Ministry of Islamic Culture and Enlightenment licensed the publication of the Journal of Geographical Research on Desert Areas. Also, on Sept 18, 2013, based on a warrant numbered 92.16985 issued by the ministry, the journal title was converted from Yazd University Geographical Research to its current title. On June 9, 2018, the journal was granted the scholarly status according to a warrant numbered 3.18.55478 issued by the Minister of Science, Research and Technology (MSRT).
The journal was first published in summer 2013, but it was banned on the order of the MSRT commission of publications in 2016 and 2017. After some modifications, the journal publication was resumed in 2018.
The Journal of Geographical Research on Desert Areas is the product of the efforts taken by the Geography Department of Yazd University and the cooperation of those involved in research on desert areas. This scientific enterprise cannot be pursued unless scholars at the national level contribute their original academic papers to it. The general has the privilege of a board of learned editors, a team of executives and an official staff.
Keywords: Geographical Research, Desert, human perspectives, economic perspectives
ISSN: 2345-332X
Subject: Geography
Publisher: Yazd University
Year: 2013
Country: Iran
Views: 270
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