

Browse Result: Showing Top 10 Results

Searching For: 2250-7779 2314-1174

The anthropological approach and the gender perspective in the study of social policies

This article aims to reflect on the contributions of the anthropological approach in comprehending the gender conceptions and relations connected…

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Social classes in the Argentine pampas: state of the art and proposal for analytical update.

The article presents a brief review on the main contributions of marxist theory to social classes analysis in agriculture, recovering…

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Views: 1

The Credit Scoring Ambition: Forecasting Credit Failures

This article compares French and US ways of granting a credit, and focuses specifically on the different uses of credit…

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Views: 1

Access to health: an interdisciplinary conceptual review

In general, the studies related to Health have been elaborated mainly by doctors, epidemiologists, hygienist historians, anthropologists and sociologists, who…

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Views: 1

Gender studies, etnographic approach and public policies: productive crossings and challenges for an integrated research agenda

This writing is the presentation of the Dossier ?Gender studies, etnographic approach and public policies: productive crossings and challenges for…

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Minitas luchadoras: gender and public policies in empirical studies about the argentine police forces

The article offers a reflection about the controversies and challenges between the gender issues and the police force in Argentina.…

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Views: 1

Contributions of feminist and gender theory to ethnographic knowledge and public policies

In this article,I will address three points to describe the contributions of feminist and gender theory to ethnographic knowledge and…

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Views: 1

I am accused of trafficking victim: tensions in the dialogue between legal and social truths in the implementation of anti-trafficking policies

In 2008, Argentina passed Law 26.364 on the Prevention and Punishment of Trafficking in Persons and Assistance to its Victims,…

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Views: 1

Convergences and disagreements. Contributions of feminism sexual diversity studies and debates for surrogate pregnancy

This article tracks the genesis of the field of social studies on sexual diversity. It recovers the influence from feminist…

Real Time Impact Factor
Views: 1

The meetings that became politicalThe conformation of the human rights organization Sons and Daughters for Identity and Justice, against Oblivion and Silence (H.I.J.O.S.) in Mar del Plata

In the mid-1990s, meetings of missing sons and daughters began to be organized in various regions of Argentina. In October…

Real Time Impact Factor
Views: 1


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